My Top Ten Sales Tips
Jeremy Blake from Reality Training,
who have trained large chains and ambitious independent retailers, gives
his best selling tips.
1. Thinking - Never ask or think in terms of If. Only ask Which? “Which of those do you like the most?”
2. Choice - Give people a choice between something and something rather than something and nothing, “3 or 6 for your children?”
3. The List - Everyone has a list, ask Who questions. “Who is the easiest to buy for?” “Who is the most grateful?” “Who is open to
4. Permission - Ask permission to demonstrate, don’t just start. “Would you like me to show you how it works?” Get a small commitment before a larger one.
5. Beware language - Never say: “How are you?” Or “Can I help you?” Or “Are you alright there?” They announce you are uninspired and result in, “No Thanks Just looking”…
6. Great language - Do say, “Are you looking for you or for someone else?” “Are you buying for friends or family?” These are alternative opening questions.
7. Notice People Types - Recognise buyer type, Mission, Browser or Comparison shopper, mirror their pace, energy and language.
8. Body Language - Keep smiling and don’t sit down -go out for a break instead. Never sit behind your desk or till, it cuts your body language in half.
9. Selling Sentences - Have pre-designed sizzle sentences and propositions; “This is ideal for the kind of person who loves to X, it gives them an X, describe feeling/outcome/emotion/ result, which means they get X and it makes them feel/think about X, does that sound like the kind of gift they’d love to get from you?”
10. Close them - Use at least three different closes:
“Would you like the small one or the larger economical pack?” (Alternative Close).
“Just put them to one side here or I can start to wrap them now?” (Assumptive Close).
“This one comes with the amazing feature that gives you X experience and X result, the other model only gives you X, that’s why it costs less.” (Leading Comparison Close).
Video from Reality Training: Value Added Propositions
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