International designers, food and makeup artists packed out New Brewery Arts in Cirencester. We invited them along to celebrate Cotswold creativity alongside a stunning touring exhibition of Julie Cope’s Grand Tour: The Story of a Life by Grayson Perry, hosted by New Brewery Arts.
Jewellery designer Catherine Zoriada, international food artists Prudence Staite (who created an amazing pizza from Grayson’s Julie Cope physog!),

interior designer Laurence Llewelyn Bowen,

Liha Okunniwa of skincare brand Liha Beauty,

Loco Glass, Tracey Elphick and others joined over 100 creatives at the event.

This was our second Creativity Rocks event. We held the first in 2014 at the Wilson Gallery in Cheltenham. They are always fabulous events full of wonderful people determined to share ideas and inspire each other.

New Brewery Arts proved to be the perfect venue – a gorgeous gallery, shop, studios and café with a team well used to hosting international exhibitions.

Beth Alden, CEO at New Brewery Arts, told us: “The marriage of the Grayson Perry Exhibition, which we are hosting until July 16, Rock the Cotswolds and the fantastic band of people and artists they attract was a wonderful combination.”

Rock the Cotswolds showcases people, businesses, venues, activities and creative artists across the region, to reveal to the world that there are as many opportunities to build a successful career alongside world-leading cultural events here as in the biggest cities. It is generously supported by forward-thinking national audit, tax and advisory company Crowe Clark Whitehill which has a large office in Cheltenham.

Yet again, our brilliant Rockers, who represent some of the coolest, smartest, sexiest people and businesses around gave their time and services free. We love them for this. It makes us feel warm, fuzzy and at one with the world. So a BIG BIG BIG round of applause please for ……… Rob and his wonderful company When in Rome who served the MOST delicious wines on the night. Beard & Sabre cider with their glorious ciders.

The totally talented Jo Fallon of The Cotswold Chalkboard & another Jo, this time Jo Vallender, who dressed our impossibly leggy luscious model in pink. Jo runs Vallender hair Salon in Cheltenham. Grit Projections of Stroud created a unique visual wall projection of our Rockers.

The mighty Mona Turnball, our blindingly brilliant body painting artist, and her gorgeous (and our fave) model Verity Millett.

10a design studio in Cirencester worked with the University of Gloucestershire students… what a team, to produce a video, and Bensons the juicers filled us up with gorge 100% pure fruit juice products using the finest British apples.