Here at Rock The Cotswolds we just love, love, love it when we get feedback on social media.
Because then we know what we’re doing really is making a difference. So when Emily Richards called us and told us that she and her husband had decided to really go for it and move their young family from Cheshire to Gloucestershire because of all the fabulous people and businesses (our wonderful Rockers), we’re showcasing on our website, we were thrilled. And we also say a big THANK YOU to Andrew Merrill, the fabulous business editor of one of our wonderful local papers, The Gloucestershire Echo and Citizen, who told her to give us a call. Thanks Andrew, you’re a legend. It’s this wonderful network of support that makes The Cotswolds a really special place to live and work. Anyway, let Emily speak for herself. We asked her to write a blog about her situation. We think she sounds amazing. And we’d certainly give her a job.
“When people outside the area think of the Cotswolds, what do they think of? Most likely they’d make references to quintessentially English villages, chocolate-box houses and rolling hills. I guess most would agree that the Cotswolds is indeed a place with a slower pace of life.
It would seem that the majority perception might be different from the reality however, or certainly in some parts of the Cotswolds.You see, my husband and I and our two children are looking to relocate from Cheshire to the Cotswolds – Cheltenham in particular, and from our visits to the area, we could see that it had lots to offer. We were seduced by the drop-dead gorgeous backdrop of elegant towns, top-notch schools and lively culture.

There was a constant nagging in the back of our minds however, around the issue of career sustainability for my husband and I. This was (is) a fairly hefty part of our relocation considerations, and was bothering us somewhat as you’d imagine. We needed reassurance that there was enough going on in and around the area to offer us solid work options.
This is where Rock The Cotswolds stepped in. Seeing their portrayal of a vibrant commercial and networking scene, and the reality of creative, exciting businesses they were involved with in the area, not only put our minds at rest (a big phew), but it also ignited excitement in us about the work possibilities within the area. We realised that this wasn’t actually going to be a case of compromising our careers in order to move to an area we love after all. Instead, these were companies that excited us and that we’d genuinely aspire to work at. Can’t tell you the relief! I love what Rock The Cotswolds are doing for perceptions of the area, and long may it continue.

Let’s not jump the gun however regarding our job hunt …it’s early stages and we’re only just setting out (within the marketing arena in case you can help at all!). But the search has well and truly begun, and just knowing that there’s a creative vibe and exciting companies to ‘go at’ has made all the difference.

Watch this space. The Cotswolds are firmly on the map.”
See you in the Cotswolds soon Emily!