Rockers 29th October 2015 26th October 2020 First Young Rocker List REVEALED! by Melissa Ormiston Like policemen, our rockers are getting younger but it’s the next generation who will ignite the Cotswold economy and there are a rising number...
Business, Event 22nd October 2015 26th October 2020 Rockference feedback by Melissa Ormiston When we set out to launch our first business conference, we always knew we wanted to try and do something different and unique and...
Business, Introspective 20th October 2015 26th October 2020 Move over Gwyneth, we have some serious thanking to do by Melissa Ormiston One of the reasons I joined Rock the Cotswolds, when we moved here from London, was because I couldn’t quite believe that there were all...
Introspective 2nd October 2015 26th October 2020 We’re winners! by Melissa Ormiston We are dead chuffed to have won the Best Marketing Award at the 2015 Gloucestershire Business Awards. Go us! With 700 people jam-packed into...
Business, Event 1st October 2015 26th October 2020 We can’t wait until our first ‘Rock’tober’ business conference by Melissa Ormiston Four of the UK’s most successful business people will be on stage at our first ever business conference on October 15, being held at...